Monday, August 10, 2009

Post Surgery Update

I thought I would update you all on my recovery from surgery. The surgeon said the surgery went as well as to be expected, and he was able to reconnect both tendons together! So now we wait and heal. I was in a splint after the surgery until the swelling went down, then a cast (which i DID NOT like!) and this week they have taken the cast off and now I am in a beautiful, black boot. I am able to start putting pressure on my foot, and in a couple of weeks will start physical therapy, when the doctor feels the tendons are completely healed and able to be stretched. So I am in the waiting and healing phase right now!

What does this mean for Katie Williams Photography? Well, my clients who had scheduled with me before the accident have been more than understanding and I thank them from the bottom of my heart! Some rescheduled with people I referred them to, and some are waiting for me to heal! I can't believe it. That is just so sweet and melted my heart when I heard this.

I have no idea when I will walk steadily and be comfortable behind the camera with children again. Once I start physical therapy in a couple of weeks, I will have a better idea. Until then, I will have to stay closed and not take on any new clients at this time. However, I am planning on doing some mini sessions later in the fall, once I am stead on my feet, for Christmas card purposes, so please check back on the blog for this update sometime in September!

And not to leave you without some images. From my scooter (yes, I've been using a knee-walker to get around instead of crutches!) I have been able to take some pictures, but not many. My oldest two boys participated in their first TRIATHALON which was so inspiring to me! And then my family spent 8 days in Colorado at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, CO which had been planned before the accident. The kids had a blast white water rafting, and riding to the top of Pike's Peak on the COG railway. I had a blast at the spa! :)

Thank you for keeping up with me! And look for a NEW BLOG when i re-open with much larger pictures! Yeah!

(if you click on the pictures, you can view them larger)